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When Employees Seek Advice From the Law Firm of Google, Twitter and Facebook

Elizabeth Garcia Presents to CCSNJ HR Council

May 10, 2016  |  8:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Mansion on Main Street in Voorhees, NJ

Cyberspace has created 24/7 access to information, some of which is quite nuanced. Disgruntled employees will find that information, and throw the entire alphabet soup book at you, including FMLA, NJFLA, NJFLI, FLSA, CEPA, LAD. What does it all mean? How can small business owners be more proactive? No matter the size of your business an effective defense in these situations is to develop an employee manual, provide training for you and your supervisors.  This session will review what each of these laws mean, how they impact you, and inexpensive ways you can protect your company from expensive lawsuits.

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