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Parker McCay Blog
By Emily E. Strawbridge on June 28, 2021
First Amendment Rights of Students Addressed by the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has issued a ruling in the matter of Mahanoy Area School Dist. v. B.L., finding in favor of the high school student disciplined for her use of offensive language in a social media post made off campus, outside of school hours and away from the school’s premises.

By Emily E. Strawbridge on January 13, 2021
New Jersey Appellate Division Offers Clarity to OPRA Requests for Student Records

The New Jersey Appellate Division issued a decision on January 12, 2021, in the matter of Chris Doe v. Rutgers University, which offers some clarity to the obligation of school districts to respond to certain Open Public Records Act (“OPRA”) requests for student records.

By Emily E. Strawbridge on March 9, 2020
Considerations for School Districts Preparing for Coronavirus

The New Jersey Department of Health issued COVID-19 guidance and education materials for child care and K-12 schools on March 04, 2020.

By Emily E. Strawbridge on December 14, 2018
Not Just Blowing Smoke:  The Vaping Crisis and How Schools are Dealing with It

For decades schools have battled tobacco and drug use by students, and the newest challenge facing schools is “vaping” or the use of e-cigarettes by students. E-cigarettes are battery-operated devices which emit doses of vaporized nicotine or non-nicotine substances, which the user inhales.

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