Amy Guerin - Social Media and First Amendment Rights at NJSBA Program
Amy Guerin will be presenting, "What Can the School Do When Students Exercise their First Amendment Rights Online?" at the New Jersey School Boards Association's new program, "Highlights of Workshop: Legal Issues." This discussion will focus on student First Amendment rights in today's online world. Recent case law has changed how and when school districts can discipline students for online comments/activity. She will discuss how to apply the Tinker material and substantial disruption standard and how the analysis changes if harassment, intimidation or bullying is involved.
One session will take place on April 2, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
Jackson Liberty
125 South Hope Chapel Road
Jackson, NJ 08527
The other session will take place on April 16, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
Harrison High School
800 Hamilton Street
Harrison, NJ 07029
Ms. Guerin represents public schools and provides legal advice to educators in all areas of school law.