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Open Public Records


Open Public Records

Parker McCay stands in the forefront on public access issues, especially the spectrum of issues related to the New Jersey Open Public Records Act ("OPRA"), the common law right of access and the federal Freedom of Information Act. Our municipal attorneys quickly resolve difficult questions facing municipal clerks, school business administrators, police records clerks, and other government records custodians.

George M. Morris, Esquire has years of practical first-hand knowledge assisting clients by answering questions about public records requests and redactions, as well as records retention guidelines, and document preservation and destruction decisions. This expertise is particularly critical because OPRA contains generous fee-shifting provisions which frequently result in substantial fees awarded against the public agency whose custodian denied the request. 

Our team of experts specializes in cases of first impression regarding the right to redact, student records, body cameras and multi-media electronic communications balanced against the rights of privacy of personal information that may be contained within public records. Indeed, our attorneys have argued numerous cases before the Government Records Council, the trial courts, the Appellate Division, and the New Jersey Supreme Court in just the last few years. 




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